Thursday, 6 July 2017

A song For a Coin. (guest post)

It is no coincidence that as and artistic person I have other artistic people in my life. I believe it is an essential necessity of life to make connections with like-minded people. There is no feeling quite like reaching out and finding the hand of another in the dark.

A song for a coin

He said 
"God never takes everything"
He had a guitar with a broken string 

In the deathwish
of crushing night 
Ink spills lost hope, 
Paints lost light. 

He said 
"God never takes everything"
And that music was all that was left of him. 

Failure and grief 
Stain a canvass 
And something is left of this 
empty mess. 

He said 
"God never takes everything"
A page. A pen. A broken string. 

Jade Alcestis Hall 2017

Jade, 31, living in North London. Newly disabled and getting to grips with it. Bisexual, cis female, polyamourous, incurable lefty intersectional feminist. Also uh... Incurable, but let's not get too morbid. That's what poetry is for. 
Never before have I invited anyone into this space. But my world is not just me. I learned quite brutally that I am nothing without the people I love. My world is enriched by them and I am now putting my fence down, smashing the wall, and asking them in. 
My first guest post ever is written by one of the strongest most inspirational people I know.  With her Snow white- like beauty comes a clever, creative and resilient mind. There is something in her way of bringing things together and seeing the context that always impresses me. She is the dandelion growing through the cracks of the road. She is my first choice for creating a future feminist commune with. And I feel grateful to get to have her in my life. 
Through the good and the bad.

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