It helps me focus.. the history and the acting classes. Sometimes I feel like I'm swimming in a sea of ideas, nearly drowning, and all I have to float on is a wooden door ( you know what I'm talking about.). Then in comes the structure of limitation. and sometimes that's good. Sometimes limits create a focus. A starting point that I wouldn't otherwise see in this vast ocean of ideas. Basically, my course work is my equivalent of an overcrowded life boat (yes, I'm sticking with this).
And this morning, as I walked through my beloved house, I's fine that it's divided. And maybe they don't all need to exist publicly. Not yet anyway. I can be a child of the medieval, of a an 18th century mind and a 17th century sensuality and have a wartime approach to my kitchen. But I am publicly distinctly Victorian. That's where I know who I am and I'm most at home... So maybe that's where to start. Maybe you knew that all along. Travel..that I can do later.
Besides, I think I'd make an excellent, though unconventional, schoolmistress!