Monday, 29 April 2019

The Hardest Part

"No..! That is just it, this is not my first time. It doesn't seem to matter how far I go or how many years pass, it follows me. All it takes is someone to ask 'How much do I owe you?' and I'm back to..absolutely nothing.." 

*swipes the whole glass of wine*

I see all these people now, with their selfies and hashtags on mental health, speaking out... Inspirational posts about how you are responsible for your own happiness and little steps make a long way.
This is not one of those posts. 
Because there is no inspiration, only tragedy, in making it all on your own. And even though I think a beautiful story, if told well, enriches life far more than some luke warm truth.. Tragedy was always best raw.

The hardest thing about everything I do is that it is unnecessary and because of that, unwanted. Why would anyone pay me to do things that are merely pretty.. Because that's all I ever was, right? Entertaining.. Lying, probably. When no one cared for the truth. Putting a veil over peoples eyes to con them into thinking for one moment they were happy. So everytime someone asks me how much? I feel like they are asking me to cut my self open and spell it out with my intestines because I don't actually think it is worth anything and I hate the reminder. No one ever really thought it was, don't lie to me, I can tell..! Like I'd rather cut off my hands than put a price on my work, on momentary happiness essentially. That will never change. How can I possibly know how badly they want it..? 
It is the best thing watch as people feel. That's why I love to do it. To affect, to change how people feel. To create something we all wish was real.. Like an addict I crave the expression on their faces. It is the one thing I know how to do, why could you not let me have that, why, why did you have to make it evil and dirty, why, you made it now fucking look at it! I will have it, it is all that I am, it is what makes me me, it is what I live and breath, it is the only thing that's always been just me. 
To me it is necessary. I do this in the hope that one day the world will seem so amazing that no one will ever want to go back to ordinary, I can not do this alone.. And don't tell me you didn't notice the shine fading when it was gone...

 "I's just the maths, darling, it ruins it all"

..and from nowhere I'm pulled out of it, into the light. Maybe I do not have to make my own way, maybe this story hasn't yet ended. And what beauty didn't start with tragedy after all..?

*take a deep breath*

"She once said when I cry like in the movies. Vulnerability and defiance at the same time."

Yes. I still remember..

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

And then one fine morning..

So a lot has happened since I put my metaphorical pen down sometime around October last year. A lot of good things. I call it my cleanse and reawakening.
 (In the least self involved way possible but admittedly, it's hard not to sound like an absolute monster douche saying that..!)

Now, if you wander down to the Market Square in Cambridge on a Thursday or Sunday you can find some of my creations on the rails of the slightly eccentric and very beautiful Serpentine Swap stalls. Just follow the music... Mending is what I do most there though. Vintage clothes with holes or missing buttons. It reminds me of the old days.
Sometimes I join her in pop ups, like the one at Relevant Records, it feels like this new exciting world I'm suddenly finding a door to. The people, the music, the psychedelic patterns... It makes me want to be a part of creating a new world. A world where the over the top is the norm.

But in this new world exists something of the old world as well. The new series of Victorian photographs is slowly taking shape, more vivid and authentically alive than ever! This time, with the help of my young new photographer, I am aiming higher than my own roof, I am trying for them to reach outside my world into the world of the others, maybe even into the world of other artists...
For a while it got swept away, picked up and enlarged into a project more commercial than I ever wanted to be and I recoiled in horror..putting the lid on..I want to keep it as close, as full of meaning, as it was meant to be. I have all the time in the world to sell out and step into the light. Maybe one day. But this is about the way as much as it is about the result. It's about us, about the human existence and the unchanging times. About the darkness. About the softness of our souls.. And as always, about the people who let me under their skin..

the stories so far

My next important work though, hopefully, will be my collaboration with the story tellers of Epic Tales. I'm quite excited about this one! It involves a little more planning, a little stepping outside of my comfort zone and a lot more maths than I'm used to but I have a plan... I wont elaborate too much until I know more, I am and always will be mysterious like that, but there will be some hooded creatures walking out of my sewing room later on...

To be continued.